This is where you will find links to Andy’s songs, gig dates, information on his gear, recording methodology, and his comments on life in general…
“..a song you like will be a friend to you, unconditionally, for the rest of your life…”
Click the “Live Music” tab above if you’d like to view some more videos…
You can also listen to several of the tracks from his last album by clicking on the “songs” link at the top right of this page. Some of the longer tracks are lower in quality than the others due to upload limitations. Contact Andy here on any of the “comments” sections if you want a higher resolution file.
Currently there are no retail cd’s available, but there will shortly be a new production run and they will be back on sale here again.
RECENT NEWS: Andy has recently finished the first track of his second album, sneak peek below ;
Here’s a screenshot of the colossal recording!
“I just wanted to thank you so much for giving your time so generously to perform at our recital last Thursday. We, that’s staff and attendees, have thoroughly enjoyed the two occasions you have performed for us. As I said on the day, it was wonderful to hear that your love of music was kindled during your years at the School. Clearly it still gives you joy but it also gives joy to those of us lucky enough to hear you perform.” H.A. , Bootham School, York.
This early edition of the album had only eight tracks, the current version has eleven, as below.